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Quarry Magazine – Tracked crusher suits tough Top End conditions
Quarry Magazine
Tracked crusher suits tough Top End conditions

Our Australian Made Trackcrush Vertical shaft Impactor has been featured in Quarry Magazine!
Tracked crusher suits tough Top End conditions
A ferocious track-mounted crusher has been helping to build key infrastructure across the Northern Territory and Western Australia, thanks to the expertise of Precisionscreen.
Since early 2000, Top End company Allan King & Sons Construction has provided various sizes of sand, gravel and aggregates through its own quarries and gravel leases………

The Precisionscreen Trackcrush PV350 VSI provides the solution for stage four aggregate crushing. As many contractors are finding, the shape of the aggregate is the key to success.
A VSI crusher uses a rock lining spinning rotor to accelerate material, which is then impacted in a highly energized rock lined crushing chamber.
- PV350 VSI with flowstream technology
- Crusher variable by hydraulic adjustment
- Hydraulic leveling undercarriage allows positioning anywhere on the quarry floor with level flow of materials
- High capacity machine with production up to 350TPH*